Monday, February 15, 2010

A Winning Gift

Sometimes, it’s difficult to know what to purchase a child for his birthday.  Yet another water gun, a bouncy ball or an art set will probably be tossed aside and forgotten about within minutes.  What will make a lasting impression – and build on literacy skills?  A magazine subscription! If you hit the target right, and find a magazine topic that the child loves, you’ll have a gift that keeps on giving.

If you know the child well, you can probably figure out what National Magazine Exchange magazine to purchase.  With almost any topic under the sun available, you’ll be able to find a magazine on skiing, sailing, animals, hiking, hunting, cars, and more.  Today’s children definitely don’t read as much as they could – and a magazine subscription from National Magazine Exchange or another location will promote literacy.

Giving a magazine subscription is a winning gift.  You win because you’ve thought of something creative, thoughtful and inexpensive.  They win because they will be working on their reading skills while enjoying themselves.  And it doesn’t get much better than that!