Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Keeping Warm with the NME

It’s cold.  It’s winter.  It seems like the nasty weather has gone on for ages.  It’s been a long stretch.  It’s tough going out in these conditions.  But it’s also hard staying in for so many nights with just a bunch of movies for entertainment. That’s why now might be the perfect time to subscribe to a magazine from the National Magazine Exchange.  Full of great deals and an extensive list of titles, the NME provides something for everyone.  From gardening fanatics to those who want to get in shape, learn to sew or communicate better with their spouses, a  magazine is a great way to learn a new skill or adopt a new hobby.

In addition, should you decide you want to change your subscription in the middle of the year, the NME provides for this option, no questions asked.